How We Crafted a High-Converting Quiz Lead Magnet Funnel for a Dietitian Coach

How We Set Up a High-Converting Quiz Lead magnet Funnel for a Dietitian Coach
Picture of Rose Jean Gonzales
Rose Jean Gonzales

Founder and Co-owner

Ever wondered how to turn casual website visitors into engaged, ready-to-commit clients? Let me take you behind the scenes of how we helped a dietitian coach create a powerful lead magnet funnel using a quiz to attract, engage, and convert potential clients. In this case study, I’ll walk you through our step-by-step process . From setting up a quiz to guiding leads seamlessly through the funnel.

The Challenge

Our mission was two-fold: design a lead magnet funnel that attracts the right leads and keeps them engaged with valuable insights, all while promoting the dietitian coach’s signature program. We aimed to simplify the lead generation process. We also nurture potential clients with a personalized approach guided by their quiz results.

Our Game Plan

To tackle this, we set out with these key objectives:

  • Develop an engaging, interactive quiz using TryInteract to draw in potential clients.
  • Seamlessly integrate the quiz with the client’s website and email marketing platform.
  • Ensure leads flow smoothly through the funnel and receive correctly segmented email sequences.
  • Promote the client’s program through personalized, quiz-driven content.

Breaking Down Our Approach

1. Designing the Quiz Lead Magnet:

The client provided the content for an interactive quiz, designed to align with their brand and audience. We ensured this quiz was not only compelling and on-point but also that it addressed the top health concerns of the target audience, providing immediate value to participants.

We took care of integrating the quiz using TryInteract. Then we embed it directly on the client’s website to make it easily accessible and increase participation rates.

2. Creating Segmented Email Sequences:

The client also provided the email copy for segmented sequences tailored to each quiz response. Our role was to flawlessly integrate these sequences into ActiveCampaign, automating and personalizing every step of the communication process.

We ensured that every lead was correctly tagged and segmented according to their quiz outcomes, receiving the appropriate follow-up emails right on schedule.

3. Streamlining the Tech Setup:

We managed all the technical details, from embedding the quiz on the client’s website to ensuring seamless integration between TryInteract and ActiveCampaign. This included setting up lead capture forms and thoroughly testing each step. We ensure data flowed smoothly for efficient lead management and timely follow-ups.

4. Promoting the Client’s Program:

Each segmented email sequence featured strategically placed calls-to-action (CTAs) to promote the client’s program. With content personalized to the unique needs revealed by the quiz. We made sure the email sequences showcased the program’s benefits in a way that directly addressed the specific health goals of each quiz participant, enhancing the relevance and appeal of the offer.

The Results

Since launching the funnel, our client has seen impressive results:

  • Sky-High Quiz Completion Rate: The interactive quiz achieved a remarkable 64.5% completion rate, indicating high engagement from the target audience.
  • Outstanding Email Performance:
    • One email sequence boasted an 88% open rate and a 28% click-through rate (CTR).
    • Another achieved a perfect 100% open rate and a 50% CTR.
  • Increased Program Enrollments: The personalized, segmented email sequences led to 9 new enrollments in the client’s program, proving the effectiveness of our targeted approach.
  • Seamless Process: While the client provided the content for both the quiz and the emails, we handled the entire backend setup. This ensured a smooth, automated funnel from quiz participation to email segmentation, reducing manual work and allowing the dietitian coach to focus on her core business activities.

By creating a high-converting quiz lead magnet funnel using TryInteract and ActiveCampaign, and managing all the technical aspects, we helped the dietitian coach attract more qualified leads, nurture them with personalized communication, and increase program enrollments.

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Ready to Elevate Your Lead Generation Strategy?

If you’re ready to take your lead generation to the next level with a custom funnel tailored to your business, let’s talk! Contact us today to discover how we can help you attract more qualified leads, engage your audience with personalized content, and drive real, measurable results.

We’re excited to partner with you on your journey to success!

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