How to Offer Your Services Online: Platforms for an Evergreen Sales System

How to Offer Your Services Online Platforms for an Evergreen Sales System - Amorette Digital Solutions Blog
Picture of Rose Jean Gonzales
Rose Jean Gonzales

Founder and Co-owner

Are you a coach, online entrepreneur, or marketer looking to set up an evergreen sales system for your services? Hosting your services online is essential for reaching a wider audience and creating a steady stream of income. This guide will help you understand the best platforms for hosting your services, ensuring you have an evergreen system ready for clients to purchase.

Why Host Your Services Online?

Hosting your services online offers numerous benefits:

  • Accessibility: Clients can access your services anytime, anywhere.
  • Scalability: Reach a global audience without geographical limitations.
  • Automation: Streamline processes like payments and communication, saving time and effort.

Top Platforms for Hosting Your Services

  • Squarespace is an all-in-one website builder that allows you to create a professional online presence. It’s ideal for hosting services due to its user-friendly interface and e-commerce capabilities.
    • Easy-to-use templates and design tools.
    • Integrated e-commerce features for selling services.
    • Secure payment gateways for smooth transactions.

Pricing: Plans start at $18 per month for personal use, with Business plans starting at $26 per month and Commerce plans at $40 per month.

  • Kartra is a comprehensive marketing platform designed for digital businesses. It’s perfect for hosting courses, webinars, and other digital services.
    • Built-in email marketing and automation tools.
    • Course and membership site creation.
    • Detailed analytics and reporting to track performance.

Pricing: Plans start at $99 per month for the Starter plan, with Silver plans at $199 per month, and higher tiers offering additional features.

  • Teachable is a popular platform for creating and selling online courses. It’s ideal if your services include educational content.
    • User-friendly course creation tools.
    • Customizable sales pages.
    • Built-in marketing and analytics features.

Pricing: Free plan available with limited features, Basic plans start at $39 per month, Pro at $119 per month, and Business at $299 per month.


  • Kajabi is an all-in-one platform for entrepreneurs looking to market and sell their services online. It’s particularly useful for coaching and course-based services.
    • Comprehensive marketing and sales tools.
    • Easy-to-use course and membership site creation.
    • Robust analytics to monitor business performance.

Pricing: Plans start at $149 per month for Basic, $199 per month for Growth, and $399 per month for Pro.

  1. Podia is an excellent platform for selling online courses, memberships, and digital downloads. It’s known for its simplicity and powerful features.
    • All-in-one platform for courses, memberships, and digital downloads.
    • Customizable storefront.
    • Integrated email marketing and automation tools.

Pricing: Plans start at $39 per month for Mover, $89 per month for Shaker, and custom pricing for advanced features.

Leveraging E-Commerce for Service Sales

To maximize your online service offerings, consider leveraging e-commerce options. By integrating e-commerce capabilities into your website, you allow clients to purchase your services directly, enhancing their experience and increasing your sales. This strategy can create an evergreen system where your services are always available for purchase.

For instance, we helped an accounting firm generate six-figure sales monthly by setting up a robust online sales system. Read more about this success story here.

Services Online - Evergreen Funnel

Creating an Evergreen Sales Funnel

To ensure your services are always ready to be purchased, you need an evergreen sales funnel. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Create a Lead Magnet
    • Offer a free resource, such as an e-book or webinar, to attract potential clients and collect their contact information.
  2. Develop a Tripwire Offer
    • Present a low-cost offer that provides value and encourages clients to make an initial purchase.
  3. Upsell to Higher-Priced Services
    • Once clients have made an initial purchase, offer them higher-priced services that complement their initial purchase.
  4. Automate Email Sequences
    • Use automated email sequences to nurture leads, provide value, and guide them through your sales funnel.
  5. Optimize Your Sales Pages
    • Ensure your sales pages are clear, compelling, and optimized for conversions. Use strong headlines, persuasive copy, and clear calls-to-action.

Tip: What Works and What Doesn’t

Creating an effective online sales system requires a strategic approach. Here are some tips on what works and what doesn’t:

What Works:
Clear Value Proposition:
  • Highlight Benefits: Clearly explain the benefits of your services and how they solve your clients’ problems.
  • Use Testimonials: Include testimonials from satisfied clients to build trust and credibility.
  • Strong Visuals: Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your services.
User-Friendly Design:
  • Easy Navigation: Ensure your website is easy to navigate, with a clear layout and intuitive design.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Optimize your site for mobile users to reach a broader audience.
  • Fast Loading Times: Ensure your site loads quickly to keep visitors engaged.
Effective Follow-Up:
  • Automated Emails: Use automated email sequences to follow up with leads and nurture them through the sales process.
  • Personalization: Personalize your emails based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Consistent Communication: Maintain regular communication with your leads to keep them engaged and interested.
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What Doesn’t:
Information Overload:
  • Avoid Overwhelm: Don’t overload your clients with too much information at once. Provide concise, relevant details.
  • Simplify Your Content: Break down complex information into digestible pieces.
  • Visual Hierarchy: Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to organize content clearly.
Generic Messaging:
  • Tailored Approach: Avoid one-size-fits-all messaging. Customize your content to address specific audience segments.
  • Direct Communication: Be clear and direct about how your services meet the needs of different clients.
  • Avoid Vague Language: Specificity builds trust. Ensure your messaging is clear and actionable.
Inconsistent Follow-Up:
  • Regular Engagement: Don’t neglect your leads after the initial contact. Follow up regularly to maintain interest.
  • Value-Added Communication: Provide ongoing value in your communications to keep leads engaged.
  • Responsive Support: Ensure timely responses to inquiries and support requests to build trust and reliability.


Hosting your services online is essential for creating a scalable and sustainable business. By choosing the right platform and creating an evergreen sales funnel, you can ensure your services are always ready to be purchased by clients.

If you need assistance with setting up your online services, sign up for a free Course Clarity Session. We can help you create a successful online presence and achieve your business goals.

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